What is this?

This site tracks 911 calls (Calls For Service) in St. Louis City, as well as a few calls from the county. All details are as reported by the police (with some minor exceptions). This site is not affiliated with St. Louis City, the Metro Police department, or any other government entity. The data is collected from the City's public Calls For Service website.

What are the exceptions you spoke of above?

The police reporting site seems to have trouble reporting the time correctly around midnight. Instead of providing a valid date/time stamp, it provides "0000-00-00 00:00:00"; this isn't very helpful. This site records the "first seen" time for each report as well as the Police's reported time. Recently, the Police's reported times have been massaged a bit, setting the date for reports at "0000-00-00 00:00:00" to the correct date and leaving the time. Some other minor changes to the reported crime are also made in order to aid in the site's layout (trimming the reported crimes).

Why are you doing this?

Partially because I have the time, partially because it's mildly interesting. Also, my neighbors and I appreciate being able to track and map crime and it's patterns in our neighborhoods.

Can I help?

I'm sorry that it's gotten to the point that this section needed to be created. :(
I am broke. Very broke. Like I can't afford internet anymore broke.
The costs to operate this site are minimal, but every little bit helps. If you'd like to make a donation, please click below:
Thank you!

Aren't you afraid the Police will shut the site down?

Nope. I'm not hiding my contact information. The Police are free to open a dialog at anytime. Further, I'm not doing anything illegal (yes, lawyers, I am aware of the CFAA). The URL which I am accessing to aggregate the data contains no human readable terms of service and exists on the St. Louis Metro Police Department's public facing website. While I do understand there is a slight risk that someone might spew litigious nonsense my way, I think the possibility is slight at best.

What is the meaning of the domain?

SainT Louis Metro Police Department Calls For Service.

This is dumb!

Yep, you're right, it is. Now please direct your attention to your acres and acres of lawn out in the county. :P

Help! I got some error!

If you are getting some error or have any issues using the site, please feel free to contact us (nah, it's just me :) ) at stlmpdcfs@stlmpdcfs.com. Please include the URL, username/email (if logged in at the time), and any search criteria that may have been provided leading to the error.